Moving the kitchen to different areas of the house and apartment: main difficulties (22 photos)

The decision to redevelop the housing and move the kitchen is made by the owners of apartments and houses for various reasons. Most often, the transfer is carried out in order to increase the living space or create the most convenient arrangement of rooms.

Kitchen transfer

However, often people encounter problems in which the transfer of the kitchen to the living room cannot be carried out. The main reason due to which the redevelopment of the kitchen cannot be carried out is the inconsistency of the redevelopment plan with the current sanitary and domestic norms and standards.

Kitchen transfer

The most important thing to do when you plan to remodel the apartment is to make a plan and legitimize the transfer of the kitchen. When permission is obtained, you can begin construction work.

Moving the kitchen to the corridor

Moving a kitchen to the corridor is no easy task. The first step is to measure the area of ​​the rooms and make a redevelopment plan. Make sure that all furniture, stove and refrigerator fit. In some cases, re-equipment of partitions is used, as well as moving communications.

Construction work should not be started before permission to move the kitchen is obtained.

Redevelopment of an apartment is not an easy task, requiring a lot of time, money and effort. However, if you act thoughtfully, make a competent plan, then the repair will be faster, and the resulting result will bring joy to homeowners.

Kitchen transfer

Kitchen transfer

To redesign the kitchen, the following materials will be required:

  • Several sheets of drywall;
  • Plastic pipes;
  • Branch pipes;
  • Sink and mixer.

Separating a kitchen with living rooms is the easiest way using arches made of drywall or other material. Such a design solution will let in more light from other rooms into the room.

Kitchen transfer

After the installation of the walls is completed, proceed to the laying of communications. Hot and cold water is carried out, sewer pipes are installed.

Moving the kitchen to the corridor allows you to equip a small apartment, make an additional bedroom or living room.

Kitchen transfer

What you need to know about moving a kitchen to a living room?

In order to secure the neighbors from below, you should choose a non-residential premise for the kitchen. However, if this is not possible, additional measures must be taken, otherwise the redevelopment plan will not receive approval.

To obtain permission to transfer the kitchen to the living room, you need to take a number of measures: lay a layer of waterproofing material on the floor, install exhaust ventilation, make sure that the ventilation system of the kitchen is not combined with the ventilation of the bathroom.

In accordance with Russian law, the transfer of a gas stove to the bedroom or living room is strictly prohibited. Obtain permission to redevelopment is possible only when installing an electric furnace.

Kitchen transfer

Before moving the kitchen, the layout of the kitchen furniture, stove, refrigerator and sink is drawn up. The best option is to divide the kitchen into zones and install partitions. The kitchen can be divided into two zones: a storage area and a cooking area.

Kitchen transfer


Moving the kitchen to the balcony

The best option for increasing the area is considered to be the combination of the kitchen and the balcony, however this can not always be done. To combine the kitchen with a balcony, you need:

  1. Glaze and heat the balcony;
  2. To dismantle the doors, make the wiring of communications;
  3. Design walls, floor and ceiling, move furniture.

To carry out the transfer of the kitchen to the loggia without combining it with the room, you need to make sure that it is possible to carry out a sewer pipe. When you bring a kitchen hood to the balcony, you need to install special valves.

Kitchen transfer

It is strictly forbidden to install heating radiators on the balcony, so you need to think about what kind of heating to use for the kitchen. After moving the kitchen to the balcony, you can install low-power electric heaters.

Kitchen transfer

Kitchen transfer

In which cases redevelopment of the kitchen is not allowed?

In order to carry out the transfer of the kitchen to the room, you must make sure that such a redevelopment will be recognized as legal. Uncoordinated redevelopment can have dire consequences - you and your neighbors can be at risk.

Kitchen transfer

The problems arising when moving the kitchen to another room relate not only to the difficulty of connecting communications and electricity, but also to the possibility of collapse of a part of the building, which is often encountered when moving the kitchen to the balcony without permission from the BTI.

Kitchen transfer

Kitchen transfer

Kitchen relocation may be prohibited in several cases:

  • Moving the kitchen into the room above which the bathroom is located above can turn into big trouble for homeowners. Permission for such a redevelopment can be obtained only if the apartment has two levels or is located on the top floor;
  • If on the lower floor under the room in which you plan to make a kitchen, there is a living room. The basic rule that is observed during the construction of multi-storey buildings is that residential and non-residential premises are located strictly under each other;
  • The absence of a window with an opening window in the room is the main reason for refusal refurbishment. However, this applies to kitchens where gas equipment is installed.

The main problem is that the kitchen is recognized as non-residential premises. Owners of apartments on the ground floor have a great advantage over the rest - they can carry out redevelopment as they want.

Kitchen transfer

It should be remembered that the kitchen is not allowed to be transferred to a dark room that does not have access to fresh air and natural light.

Kitchen transfer

In what cases is redevelopment of the kitchen allowed

If you plan to move the kitchen to another room, corridor or hall, you must agree on a redevelopment plan with the BTI. Moving is allowed if the kitchen will be located above and below the territory of corridors, pantries or other non-residential areas of an apartment building.

Kitchen transfer

If there is no window in the room, it is necessary to install it, if possible, or to ensure that daylight is in contact with another room. To do this, it will be enough to install glass interior doors.

Kitchen transfer

What you need to know about communications during the redevelopment of the kitchen?

Many apartment owners think too late that when moving the kitchen, it is necessary to bring all communications and ensure the discharge of sewage to the sewer.

Kitchen transfer

With the supply of pipes, often no problems. They can be positioned at any angle and at any height. Difficulties basically begin with the laying of sewers, which must be laid under a certain slope.

Kitchen transfer

If the kitchen is transported to a significant distance, it is best to purchase a special sediment, with which the difference from the collection of drains to the input to the riser will be less significant.

Also, do not forget about the ventilation system. To protect the kitchen from smoke and high humidity, a duct and hood are installed. They must be connected to the exhaust ventilation duct, but in no case to the ventilation grilles.

When installing the ventilation duct, there may be inconvenience:

  • An additional fan may be required to improve traction;
  • The noise from the ventilation may be too loud. In this case, installation of a silencer is required;
  • To improve the appearance of the room, you need to hide the pipe behind a suspended ceiling, but this is not always possible;
  • If the new kitchen is far from its former location, large holes break through the walls when laying sewage and ventilation.

If the initial layout in the apartment suits the owners, you should choose a place for the kitchen as close to its former place as possible in order to exclude the difficulties associated with the wiring of communications.

The best options for moving the kitchen

Designers offer a large number of options for remodeling the apartment and moving the kitchen to another room. If the budget is limited, the best way is to demolish the load-bearing walls and join several rooms, as well as zoning with partitions.

Kitchen transfer

Moving a kitchen to the living room or lounge, if the room is located nearby and has suitable sizes, is also easy to implement. Most often, problems arise with the transfer of a gas stove. If there is no money to buy an electric stove, and you need to move the room, you can install protective partitions between the living area and the kitchen.

Kitchen transfer

When planning repairs and redevelopment, it should be borne in mind that in many old houses, the installation of an electric stove is not possible. The wiring may not withstand the increase in load. Moving a kitchen in a one-room apartment built during the time of Stalin and Khrushchev is often not possible for this very reason.

Most often, the kitchen is moved to the hall and the kitchen is combined with a loggia. If, when planning a repair, the apartment owners received specialist advice and legalized the transfer, then there are no problems with the redevelopment, the repair is quick and easy.

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Redevelopment of the kitchen: rules and options (81 photos)