Toilet wallpapers: interesting combinations

The dressing room, like any other room in your apartment, from time to time requires updating. If you do not make a fundamental transformation with the replacement of plumbing, then you can do only a replacement of the finish. Of course, in the modern market of building materials you will find a great many varieties of finishes, but wallpapering is the most popular and affordable.

Toilet Wallpaper

How to choose a wallpaper for the toilet

There are many different criteria to consider when choosing a toilet wallpaper. Most often, the toilet room is characterized by temperature extremes and a high level of humidity. For this reason, not every type of wallpaper is suitable for finishing the toilet.

Flower wallpaper

The first and perhaps the most important criterion for choosing wallpaper is their resistance to moisture. Thanks to its good protection against high, constantly changing humidity, your wallpaper will serve you faithfully for many years. In addition, you can carry out wet cleaning of the entire room, which is also necessary, because cleanliness will not allow any fungus to settle on your wallpaper.

The second factor is the strength of the wallpaper itself. You need to choose only high quality wallpapers, with special attention to the weight of the wallpaper. Due to the special climatic conditions of the room, not every wallpaper can support its own weight. You need to either choose lighter models, or make a big emphasis on the choice of glue for wallpaper.

Unusual toilet wallpaper
The third factor affecting the overall picture of the created interior will be the texture of the wallpaper and their color. Depending on what interior design you want to get, you need to use different finishes, it all depends purely on your preferences.

Fancy Wallpaper

Possible types of wallpaper

The development of design thought has contributed to the fact that today we are surrounded by many different wallpaper options. They may vary in composition, method of application and decorative functions. Consider the most popular options:


  • Classic wallpaper. They are simple, fairly cheap and have a large selection of colors. Ideal for repairing an economy class.
  • Wallpaper for painting. Representatives of this species are characterized by increased strength and high moisture resistance, which is their undoubted advantage for use in the toilet. In addition, do not forget about such an advantage - wallpaper for painting can be repainted at least every day.
  • Liquid wallpaper. If there are a lot of hard-to-reach places in your toilet room, then liquid wallpaper will help to solve this problem with ease. They do not leave seams and have high rates of sound and heat insulation.
  • Photowall-paper. A simple, but at the same time, beautiful option. They do not differ in special qualities, but they allow you to create unique interiors, especially if you make them to order.
  • Bamboo wallpaper. Like lovers of natural materials. Perfectly take root in difficult climatic conditions of the toilet room.

Red toilet

Combining wallpaper with other decoration materials

In some cases, it is quite appropriate to combine wallpaper with other materials, because this is not only an unusual design decision, but also an increase in the performance of the finish.

A perfect example of this is the combination of wallpaper and classic tiles.Having finished the lower part of the walls with tiles and the upper, respectively, wallpaper, you will not only make an interesting enough interior design, but also simplify your life. Wet cleaning tiles is much easier than wallpaper.

Actually, as an alternative to tiles, you can use other materials, for example, wood. Noble material, especially in the appropriate style, will be an excellent substitute for the missing decor.

Wall mural in the toilet

Color scheme

The choice of color in the toilet has always been given special significance, because the purpose of this room is quite unusual, and in conjunction with the fact that the toilet is one of the coldest rooms, a special approach is definitely needed here. It is necessary not only to create a suitable atmosphere, but also to insulate the room on a visual level.

For this reason, it is recommended to use bright and unusual colors. Moreover, it is not necessary to make the whole room acid and bright, it will be enough to make a small color accent.

Try to avoid cold shades, at least without the use of complementary colors. Dark colors will also be superfluous. However, you can play in contrast, for example, use a black and white combination. Moreover, you can play in such a contrast not only in the decoration of the room, but also using the functional decor of the room. For the rest, choose colors based on your own wishes and the created design.

Beige toilet wallpaper

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