Pros and cons of an acrylic bathtub: some ideas for any interior

Equipping your home, everyone strives to achieve maximum convenience and comfort. With special trepidation and warmth, we approach the creation of a bathroom interior, the installation of a sewer and plumbing system, the selection of functional and stylish plumbing equipment so that they please us with smooth operation and a beautiful appearance. A special place in the interior is occupied by the bathtub, the variety of species of which is simply amazing today. The bath can be cast iron, steel or acrylic. Moreover, these baths can vary significantly in shape, which is especially true for an acrylic bath.

Acrylic bathtub in the interior

Bath Features

The revolution in the field of plumbing completely turned the idea of ​​the attributes of the bathroom. Today it is an acrylic bathtub made of more plastic and lightweight materials that is gaining more and more popularity. And this is not surprising, because the acrylic bathtub in the interior will look more elegant due to its attractive shapes. And here even a traditional cast-iron bath passes in front of an acrylic one.

Acrylic bath

The steel bath is traditionally in the form of a trough. Despite its affordable price, strength and lightness, it has a high brittleness of the coating and high heat transfer. In this sense, a cast-iron bathtub is better than steel, but even in certain parameters it loses to acrylic. The cast-iron bathtub is characterized by a standard configuration, durability and reliability, but it is very heavy. In addition, a cast-iron bathtub can hardly decorate the interior with its shape. This can not be said about acrylic.

Acrylic bath

Acrylic products constantly delight the townsfolk with a variety of sizes and elegant shapes, light weight and perfect design, as well as the ability to retain heat. These characteristics are achieved thanks to vacuum hot stamping technology. The resulting models attract as a result:

  • graceful forms;
  • ergonomic;
  • the possibility of quick and easy installation;
  • surprising ability to take the natural parameters of a person - this is evidenced, for example, by a convenient elevation under the head, a recess for the shoulders and head, a ribbed surface under the heels.

Acrylic bathtub in design


Acrylic bathtub can be any size. Moreover, they withstand a lot of obese people and are very durable, despite the apparent external fragility.

Acrylic bath

Advantages of an acrylic bath:

  • light weight - about 15-25 kg;
  • various shapes, colors and sizes of bathtubs;
  • minimal heat loss;
  • resistance to chip formation and minimal heat loss;
  • ease of scratching;
  • durability.

Advantages of Acrylic Bath


  • abrasive cleaning is prohibited;
  • the ability to easily spoil the appearance - with a sharp metal object or a fallen unquenched cigarette.

Acrylic Bath Choice

In the interior of the bathroom, the acrylic bathtub should look perfect and in accordance with the chosen design. Therefore, you should be guided by the following recommendations:

  1. Choosing a modern acrylic product for arranging a bathroom, you will need to take into account the available useful area of ​​the room, because it will become the basis for determining the required dimensions of the acrylic bath. You should also carefully study the design parameters, especially the thickness - the most reliable and strong structures are made from acrylic sheets with a thickness of at least 5-6 mm.
  2. Strong models include several layers of reinforcement.
  3. Good flexibility - the structure will not bend when pressed to the bottom.
  4. The presence of glossy gloss, which is characteristic only of acrylic samples.
  5. Uniformity of color. The presence of stains will indicate cheap and low-quality raw materials for the production of acrylic. Such a product is definitely not worth buying.
  6. Degree of transparency - the acrylic material is opaque, therefore, the side of the structure will not be visible in the light.
  7. Smooth surface - a quality-made acrylic bathtub does not have various roughnesses and dents, regardless of size.
  8. A simple configuration form indicates the use of sufficiently thick and high-quality acrylic sheets.
  9. Too low a cost of a product should cause suspicion - there is a possibility that such a bath is made of ordinary plastic, which is processed with a layer of acrylic.

Acrylic bathtub in the interior

Which model to choose

Modern manufacturers offer a wide variety of models. However, regardless of the color scheme and style of decoration, an elegant asymmetric acrylic bathtub will be selected, which will ideally find its place in almost any interior. Such models are an excellent solution for small bathrooms, because an asymmetric acrylic bathtub will take up a little less space than the standard model. If the area of ​​the bathroom is large, then in this case you can choose a spacious bathtub made in a complex form. Such a bath will become the basis, an interior will be created around it.

Acrylic bath

If there is practically no space, then it is worth taking a closer look at the compact model. For example, an asymmetric bathtub with a length of 90 cm is suitable. In such a "baby", of course, you cannot lie comfortably, but you can diversify the hygiene procedures. For small areas, bathtubs with a length of 135 cm are suitable. With their help, you can even make the bathroom, which is modest in size, comfortable. For an average size room, an asymmetric bathtub 150 is perfect. Depending on the model, the width of the models can be different. The capacity of the bath is determined by the thickness of the walls and its depth.
Acrylic bathtub
For spacious bathrooms, you can pick up bathtubs longer than 180 cm. In this case, it will be appropriate to install double models that can hold more than 1000 liters. The shape of the bath is determined by the desire of the owners and the area of ​​the bathroom. So, in spacious rooms you can take a hexagonal or round bathtub, because such models need a large space. But asymmetric and angular acrylic bathtubs are perfect for hygienic rooms of any size.

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