Garden plants
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Garden plants at your site: main types

Starting the process of creating landscape design on his own site, the owner inevitably encounters a huge assortment of garden plants that offer specialized retail chains and online stores. First of all, you should decide on the classification of garden plants. A brief review allows you to conditionally divide such plants into six categories.

Annual garden plants

One-year-old garden plants include a variety of garden crops, the lifespan of which takes one vegetative period (spring, summer, early fall). Annuals can:
  • sow directly into the soil with seeds;
  • grow seedlings in advance and plant it in the spring;
  • There are varieties of annuals that manage to bloom and set and disperse seeds that will sprout on their own next year.
Annuals are planted on flower beds, in flower pots, flower pots and flowerpots. Such plants are an ideal choice for most climatic zones of Russia.

Perennial garden plants

Perennials are distinguished by the fact that once planted plants can please the eye from two to several years. Among them are:
  • beautifully blooming, can be low or tall plants, bushes with large flowers or small inflorescences;
  • creeping that can cover entire sections of soil with carpet;
  • decorative foliage, having beautiful foliage or even everlastingly green conifers, resistant to temperature extremes.
It is especially worth noting that this is a fairly economical way of gardening a personal plot, because there is no need to buy planting material annually, spend time and personal work on creating flower beds and flower arrangements.

Bulbous garden plants

Bulbs are plants that have a special shape of the stem part (bulb), which allows them to accumulate and store moisture, nutrients in the winter. Bulbous plants can be divided by flowering time:
  • spring, which bloom from March to May;
  • summer - flowering period from May to July;
  • Autumn, which bloom in August and bloom until October.
Bulb plants are the first to bloom, and create a special mood. They have a huge number of species, varieties and bright colors.

Flowering garden plants

Flowering plants include those that annually throw out inflorescences or individual flowers, different in size, color, shape. Such plants may be:
  • photophilous or shade-loving, for this you should accordingly choose the sites for their landing;
  • undersized or curb, which are used to design paths or contours of flower beds;
  • curly, allowing to decorate hedges or walls of buildings.
Flowering plants are one of the most favorite options for landscape design, which is often used by owners of cottages or household plots.

Non-flowering garden plants

Shrubs or herbaceous plants that do not have pronounced flower inflorescences belong to this category. In the series of their use for decorative purposes, you can list:
  • deciduous, differing in size and color of leaves;
  • coniferous, allowing you to get a large amount of greenery at any time of the year;
  • blooming, decorating the site that tolerate adverse climatic seasons and can bloom in different seasons.
Such plants are very popular among summer residents and owners of personal plots, because they can be used as a green hedge, for zoning the space, or to create living green architectural forms.

Garden plants for ponds

Moisture-loving plants for ponds and ponds can be grown in almost any climate zone and are:
  • coastal, which land in the coastal zone of the reservoir;
  • deep-sea, whose root system is located at the bottom of the pond;
  • floating, the habitat of which is the surface of the reservoir.
In addition to the plants that adorn the pond, you can pick up a number of aquatic representatives of the flora, which, in comparison with other types of plants, not only decorate, but also help the artificial pond to remain clean and transparent for a long time. To choose the right plants will help a professionally compiled catalog that will help you choose the representatives of the flora for landscape design. Such plants will give individuality, make an aesthetic component in the design of a personal plot or recreation area, where it will be a pleasure to spend time and meet guests.

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