How to put a bed so that there is free space

The most important item in the bedroom is the bed. And your well-being depends on what material it will be made of and how correctly it will stand. Choosing its perfect location is not so simple. It needs to be placed ergonomically and feng shui at the same time. The task is not easy, but it is feasible. The bed can be placed correctly even in a small room.

The first rule is safety

Skeptics primarily recommend a safe bed in the bedroom, and only then pay attention to the rules of Feng Shui. It is especially important to worry about the safe location of the bed in the child’s room.

Feng Shui Bed

The bed in the room should not be:

  • in a draft;
  • under a stream of air coming from the air conditioner;
  • next to tall cupboards;
  • under the hinged shelves.

To prevent you from being blown out during sleep, the bed cannot be placed on the line between the door and the window. If the room is equipped with air conditioning, curtains should be placed so that cold air blows on the ceiling, and not in the face of the sleeping person. Especially the child should not hang shelves over the bed. No matter how securely they are nailed to the wall, one day it may collapse, and something heavy can always fall from a high cabinet.

If you do not know how to put a bed in the bedroom, just arrange it comfortably. This means that next to the long side there should be at least 70 cm free space. Then it will be convenient for you to spread the bed, cover it, change the bedding on it. In a small studio or in Khrushchev, this seems to be not so simple, but if you want to free up space, you can revise things and throw away those that have outlived your life.

Headboard to the window

Bed headboard to window by feng shui

We put a bed in feng shui

Ancient Eastern teaching gives an exact answer to the question: how to properly put a bed in a room. There are a lot of difficulties and nuances, but if you observe them all thoroughly, Feng Shui masters promise, you will not only sleep well, but order and harmony will appear in all other areas of life.

According to Feng Shui, the bed is placed in the farthest corner, but so that the door is visible. A sound sleep requires a lot of air, so the space above it should not be cluttered with anything. In Feng Shui, it is important to observe proportions, so the bed should be proportional to the room. For a narrow bedroom you need to buy an extended bed. If the room is large and spacious, then a double bed will fit into it well.

There should not be a bathroom or toilet above the bed on the top floor, so plan the layout of the rooms in the house so that the bathrooms on each floor are one below the other and the bedroom is not located under them.

Bed placement in a small room

Bed opposite the window

What prohibits feng shui?

Not everyone knows how to put a bed in Feng Shui, because it is really a complex science that puts forward clear requirements for the arrangement of furniture in the apartment. In general, Feng Shui calls not to have extra items in the bedroom, because each thing has its own energy, which may not coincide with yours. Feng Shui next to or above the bed should not be:

  • outlets;
  • chandeliers;
  • large fixtures;
  • pictures;
  • shelves;
  • fireplaces;
  • aquariums;
  • many indoor plants.

Bed near the window

Bed arrangement in the bedroom

Also, the bed should not be:

  • in the center of the room;
  • headboard to the door;
  • legs to the door;
  • between the entrance and the window.

According to Eastern teaching, a person gets enough sleep and rests if he feels protected on the bed. It will be possible to create the necessary safety if the bed stands near a blank wall. Also, sharp corners of cabinets and walls should not be directed at the sleeping person. For people living in Khrushchev, putting a bed like this seems something impossible. In a narrow room, where every square centimeter is counted, and there is not enough space, only the bed cannot stand near the wall. Life makes its own adjustments, but no one is forbidden to dream of improving housing conditions and strive for this.

It is undesirable to place the bed under the ceiling beams - especially across. They will “press” on the head and “draw” energy from you. The right interior solution would be to use a stretch ceiling.

It will be uncomfortable to sleep on a bed located under an inclined ceiling - a feature of the attic rooms. You won’t be able to close it, but you can pull the scarlet ribbon from the bottom corner - the Feng Shui masters claim that this will help to cope with the problem.

Bed placement in the bedroom

Bed north

It may be that your personal directions and those of your spouse do not match. Only a Feng Shui specialist will tell you how to determine them, but whatever he says, you will have to find a compromise and put the bed in the direction that is comfortable for both spouses. Nobody will give exact recommendations here - you need to listen to yourself and look for a “middle ground”. The only thing, even if you have two beds moved together, experts recommend putting one double mattress on them. Then between the husband and wife in the relationship there will be no barriers and boundaries.

Bed by the wall

Good bed arrangement in the bedroom

We determine the cardinal points

Another popular idea is to place the bed in the bedroom relative to the cardinal points. Here you don’t even need to turn to specialists: just take a compass or determine the cardinal points. By the way, the idea that the life success of a person is largely influenced by where his legs and head are directed in a dream belongs to the Eastern sages. Whether they are right or not is easy to verify.

If you cannot find your loved one, put the bed on the headboard to the south. If you have not decided how to put the bed in the small bedroom, direct the headboard to the southeast. It is believed that a bed set this way helps a person become more persistent in their desires and achieve success in the chosen field. Couples who want a baby need to put a bed “head” to the west, and those who need a good reputation - to the south.

On the cardinal points you can put a bed in the nursery. If the child has a disturbing sleep, you can put the bed in the children's headboard to the east. Thanks to this, the dream will become sound and calm. For those parents who do not know how to make a bed, but want their child to study successfully, you can put the bed in the northeast.

Bed south

Convenient bed arrangement in the bedroom

Bed - Security Island

In a dream, a person spends a significant part of his life, so it is so important to choose a good bed and position it correctly. If you want to sleep peacefully, choose a bed with a comfortable mattress. On a bed that was made back in the middle of the last century and falls apart from time to time, it will be uncomfortable to sleep, so there is reason to save money and buy yourself a modern bed. It is also better for couples not to sleep in two shifted beds - this is inconvenient and can make a mess in family relationships.

A bed in a studio apartment or in Khrushchev should not turn into a warehouse. Someone keeps shoe boxes, old magazines or folded carpets underneath. Rarely, things that are needed daily are put under the bed. And what you have not been using for more than a year will most likely never be needed, so if you are tormented by insomnia, look at what's under your bed. If there is trash, you need to get rid of it. The less space is used under the bed, the more actively energy flows move - so say Feng Shui masters.

Bed along the wall

Sleeping with your feet to the door is prohibited - this position is called the "pose of death" and is considered unacceptable. On the other hand, to feel safe, you need to see the door from the bed. Even in this situation, a compromise is easy to find. You can attach a mirror to the opposite wall in the bedroom relative to the door. It will not be near the bed, but with it you can see what is happening in the corridor, and who is there. Proper use of mirrors in a small room helps to visually expand the space.

Experts from various fields give an answer to the question: where exactly should I put the bed, but you always need to listen to yourself.

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