How to mount a false ceiling with your own hands: installation instructions

Ceiling decoration is a creative process, but it is quite difficult to bring it into proper form: uneven tile ceilings, mismatches of angles interfere with it. Choosing from various types of suspended ceilings, you can quickly deal with ceiling repairs and create a beautiful home interior with your own hands. Learn how to make your own suspended ceiling modern, attractive, and functional.

Suspended ceiling frame

DIY ceiling installation

How to make a suspended ceiling from drywall, the technology of its arrangement has many advantages:

  • ease of installation;
  • low cost of materials;
  • minimum set of tools and materials.

A ceiling made independently will also significantly reduce the cost.


Before assembling a suspended ceiling from drywall with your own hands, you first need to prepare and purchase a tool.

You will need:

  • household laser level, it will help replace the usual level and tape measure and make precise marking of the places where you will install the guide profiles;
  • a puncher for drilling holes into which the profile will be mounted;
  • drill or screwdriver for fastening the profile and gypsum plaster;
  • manual hacksaw or "grinder";
  • a pencil for marking the markup;
  • scissors for metal;
  • installation knife for arranging wiring.

False ceiling in a bright living-kitchen


Also, to build a suspended ceiling, you need to buy building materials:

  • Guide profile. Before buying, calculate how much profile you need. How to calculate the required quantity? Since the guide profile is attached around the perimeter of the room, you need to measure its perimeter. Divide the perimeter by the length of the profile. It is usually sold three or four meters long. For a room with a total area of ​​20 square meters. m. you need only 5 pieces. For a two-level ceiling, in order to calculate the desired amount of profile, you will need to add the length of the additional structure. Since it is very difficult to make a suspended ceiling from drywall in two levels, try first to make a normal one, and only then you can take on more complex work.
  • Ceiling profile. For the ceiling - C-shaped - it is better to take a four-meter profile to get less waste. If the ceiling is supposedly five meters long and four wide, the drywall sheet has a standard width of 1.25 m, fastening is best done in sixty centimeter increments. Dividing the five-meter wall into sixty, you get eight ceiling profiles. It is desirable that both types of profile be the same manufacturer.
  • Drywall. On sale occurs: ordinary, moisture resistant and fireproof. For rooms, simple GCRs are suitable, it is better to purchase moisture-resistant for the kitchen and bath. Drywall also varies in thickness. The most popular types have a thickness of 65 to 125 mm. As a rule, according to building codes, ceiling gypsum plasterboard should be 0.95 cm thick.To find out how many sheets of drywall you need, divide the area of ​​the ceiling by the area of ​​the sheet, in the end you get the number of sheets you need. The result should be rounded up to an integer value.
  • Mounts For an area of ​​twenty square meters. With a simple design, you will need about fifty pieces of suspensions to firmly fix the ceiling.
  • Reinforced mesh to help secure drywall joints.
  • Dowels and screws for connecting the profile and fixing the gypsum board to the profile.

Having the necessary tools and materials, knowing at least the very basics of how to make a suspended ceiling from drywall yourself, begin to install the frame.

False ceiling in the living room

How to make the installation of the frame

How to fix a suspended ceiling? First, mark the installation location of the guide profile using the laser level and apply marks on it, deviating from the ceiling at least ten centimeters. You will need this distance to install spotlights.

Having marked all the walls, drill holes for the dowels with a puncher and attach the guide profile to the wall.

Make a pencil using the level marks on the wall, which will help establish the ceiling profile (60 cm interval). For a single-level design, marking is performed only on two opposite walls.

Fix the direct suspensions to the ceiling, and then begin to install the ceiling profile.

If the profile does not fit in length, dock it by installing additional suspensions to the ceiling, and twist the longitudinal connectors together with self-tapping screws.

Use a drill to connect the joints of the ceiling profile with the rails, as well as the suspensions with the C-shaped profile.

Make sure that the attached profile is obtained without deflection or sagging. An incorrectly mounted ceiling can turn out to be wavy and you have to redo everything again.

After connecting the metal elements of the frame, check the level for any deviations. Correct if found inaccuracies. Wire to future fixtures. If the roof of the house is not sufficiently insulated, lay the insulation on the profiles first, and only then proceed with the installation of the sheets.

Gypsum plasterboard ceiling with a round element

How to mount drywall sheets

How to mount a plasterboard suspended ceiling. Lift the sheet to the profile and secure it with screws. Watch the endings at the joints of the sheets, if they do not fit, you will have to file a little.

The heads of the screws should go slightly inside the GCR. This is done in order to facilitate the filling of the ceiling.

Cut with a knife or a special nozzle for a puncher in the places of installation of the fixtures of the hole. After this, you can begin to putty the surface.

How to putty the ceiling

In addition to putty, you will need a special reinforced mesh, which will help to accurately process the joints of the sheets. It must be glued and puttyed. After the putty is completely dry, evenly coat the entire surface at the joints.

Leave for a day or two so that the putty has time to dry. After this, smooth the surface with sandpaper. Use a lamp to check for any irregularities. Correct them and start decorating the ceiling.

Arrangement of false ceiling in the bathroom

How to make a suspended ceiling in the bathroom? Installation of the profile is carried out, as in the room, only from moisture-proof drywall, but since it is not easy to wash the ceiling even from washable gypsum board, often a suspended plastic ceiling is made in the bathroom. It is washable, does not require special care. How to make a suspended ceiling from plastic panels? After arranging the profile, a plastic skirting board is attached to it with liquid nails or self-tapping screws, into which the panels are inserted. Since it is not difficult to install a suspended ceiling of any modification in the bathroom, you can do it yourself. To care for plastic panels use special tools.

False ceiling design

How to decorate the ceiling

The construction industry produces all kinds of decorative materials, so how to choose a decor for the ceiling to your liking, no questions should arise. Everyone can find a finish to their taste.

The ceiling of the PVC panels can not be decorated. Such panels are available in a wide variety of colors and patterns. They can be mirror and matte.

How to make lighting

When everything is assembled, decorated, and you already know how to properly make a suspended ceiling, you can proceed with the installation of lighting. For this, the wiring must be laid in advance, and holes for future fixtures are cut out in the GCR. When installing false ceilings, questions often arise which one is better to choose lighting.

Typically, spotlights with a metal or glass housing are built into such ceilings. Special appeal is given to them by special coatings. It is customary to insert halogen lamps into the lamps, they do not heat up, give a beautiful light and do not burn out for a long time.

When arranging spotlights with halogen lamps, the ceiling lowers by no more than six centimeters, so it is more profitable to use them in rooms with low ceilings. To protect the lamps from dust on the ceiling, a protective glass can be installed.

Replacing halogen bulbs with protective glass

Usually, spotlights with halogen lamps are installed in suspended ceilings. How to change a halogen bulb? Replacing them is a bit more difficult than conventional bulbs. When replacing batteries, you should know how halogen lamps are mounted. If they are threaded, they are replaced as usual. There are lamps with two pins. They are fixed after a characteristic click. How to unscrew a bulb without damaging the panel? When replacing it, do not use force and unscrew it, just press the lamp in front of the ceiling to unlock it, turn it slightly and remove it.

It is better not to touch the glass surface of the lamp with bare hands, it may leave greasy stains on it, so grab the lamp using a clean and dry cloth. A dirty lamp is wiped with medical alcohol.

False ceiling in the living room-kitchen

Dismantling a suspended ceiling

How to remove the suspended ceiling? Dismantling is carried out as follows:

  • Remove the lighting fixtures and insulate the wires;
  • To remove the fixed sheets, unscrew the screws and remove the GCR;
  • Remove the frame.

Since it is not difficult to disassemble the suspended ceiling that you yourself equipped, you can carefully carry out all the work, it can later be installed in another place.

False ceiling in the nursery

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