How to choose a mattress: useful tips

A comfortable, high-quality mattress is not a frivolous purchase, a lot depends on the quality of the mattress, not only a comfortable sleep, but also the health of the whole organism. If you do not know how to choose the right mattress, then our recommendations will help you. Take them seriously, and then you will ensure a healthy sleep that will save you from fatigue. This is especially important for osteochondrosis and scoliosis. The right mattress for a newborn, child, teenager, as well as a person of any age is a guarantee of health in the future.

Double mattress

Before going to the store, you need to have a clear idea of ​​which mattress to choose, and not make a mistake with the purchase. At first glance, buying is nothing complicated, but you need to focus not only on the name of the company, size, but also take into account other important factors. Be careful when choosing options, use our tips.

What are the mattresses?

Each furniture store can offer you a lot of mattresses for newborns, adolescents, couples and the elderly, but I want to choose a mattress for the bed so that it lasts for several years and helps to really relax.

What are the classifications?

The quality of any mattress depends on the "contents". Usually there are springs under the upholstery, but there are differences in them too. There are models in which there are no springs at all, which become elastic due to other materials.

  • Spring mattresses are found with dependent as well as independent springs. Dependents are intertwined in the established way, and independent are intertwined differently (each spring lies in its own “cup”). Independent springs are better in terms of convenience because they better bend to fit the shape of the human body. The standard is 256 springs per square meter.
  • Springless mattresses are a block of coconut fiber, latex natural or artificial and synthetic materials of the latest generation. Waterless and inflatable mattresses can be attributed to springless ones.

Spring mattress

Springless mattress

Choose the inner material

There is nothing complicated in choosing a spring or springless mattress - all the more, you need to choose only from a couple of options. But fillers can "strain" any customer. Let's figure it out!

  • Latex is a good natural material that makes the mattress resilient. Thanks to it, excellent support for the spine is provided (this is very important for the child and adolescent, while the spine is formed). It is also hypoallergenic and hygienic.
  • Coconut coir is a strong and fairly flexible material with excellent bactericidal properties. Usually it is used to fill hard mattresses.
  • Polyurethane foam is an elastic material, the advantage of which is significant air permeability. The material is hypoallergenic.
  • Memorform is a high-tech filler based on polyurethane.The material is hypoallergenic, characterized by high strength and reliability - a great option if you need a mattress for several years. It looks like a viscoelastic foam in which the cells look like small springs that are compressed under the weight of the body.
  • Memorilatex is a material characterized by breathability and immunity to sudden changes in temperature. Such a mattress will be very durable.
  • Viscoelastic foam is a material with a “memory effect” that provides maximum comfort and does not interfere with blood circulation during sleep, which positively affects the general condition of a person after waking up.
  • Sisal is a natural material with good antistatic properties, it allows air to pass through and evaporates moisture that is released during sleep. The material is strong enough, ready to "endure" large loads.

Also, in the manufacture of mattresses, natural wool, felt, struftofiber, horsehair and other high-tech materials are often used.

Coconut Coir

Single or double sided?

More often in our stores you can see one-way mattresses, but manufacturers who prefer orthopedic mattresses are ready to offer two-way options with many parameters. Double-sided mattresses are distinguished by the fact that the sides of one mattress can have different degrees of rigidity, as well as the type of coating.

For example, one side can be “winter” (that is, have a woolen layer and have a softer filler to maintain heat for a long time), and the other “summer” with a hygroscopic fabric that will provide good breathability on hot days.

About orthopedic mattresses

Such mattresses have a special design, they are made in such a way as to provide optimal support for the human spine and to preserve the musculoskeletal system. The orthopedic mattress fully complies with the contours of the body, completely prevents numbness of the arms and legs and does not cause discomfort.

Those who suffer from regular pain in the spine need an orthopedic mattress without a doubt. It will also help people suffering from various diseases of the joints and ligaments. And for those who fortunately do not suffer from these diseases, an orthopedic mattress will become a savior from ailments in the future.

Orthopedic mattress

About anti-decubitus mattresses

An anti-decubitus mattress is necessary not only for an elderly person, but also for people of any age with poor circulation. Anti-decubitus mattresses are cellular and tubular.

About cotton mattresses

How to choose a cotton mattress? When choosing a cotton mattress, no matter how trite it sounds - you need to pay special attention to its filler. Because the filler is a fundamental part of the mattress. Be sure to check the durability of the cover. And then you can turn to the name of the company (although the brand does not talk about quality), but if the mattress company is important to you - choose at your discretion.

By tradition, all cotton mattresses are filled with special cotton wool (there is nothing to do with the pharmacy). Natural fibers of mattress wool are mixed during production. A different fiber structure is formed, due to which the cotton mattress becomes elastic.

Cotton mattress

Criterias of choice

First of all, when choosing you need to rely on personal wishes, but you need to follow your weight, age, and general health.

Height, weight and age when choosing a mattress

For adults, “in the body” is best suited to a hard mattress, thin - softer, for example, with a latex filler, or with independent springs. And adults of medium build were more fortunate - with their weight you can sleep on any mattress.

In addition to physique, you must take into account the age of the "sleeping". Older people should not sleep on very hard mattresses, because a hard mattress can cause serious problems with blood circulation or the spine.

How to choose a children's mattress? For a child, finding a good mattress is much harder. Pupils, both junior classes and adolescents, are advised to sleep on a hard and springless mattress. A springless mattress made of synthetic foam is a good fit. It is important for young children to take a durable mattress - after all, all children love to jump on them. The smallest need hygroscopic mattresses. The best option is to buy a coconut fiber mattress, with an approximate thickness of three to seven centimeters.

How to choose a mattress for a double bed? For a pair, it is better to choose a mattress of medium hardness, and ideally with independent springs. This is good because if one tosses and turns at night, the other sleeps and feels nothing. If the question arose, how to choose a mattress for a double bed, then opt for a not very short mattress. It is important to choose the size so that the mattress in no case hangs around the edges.

Mattress for a large bed

How to choose the size of the mattress?

With the choice of the size of difficulties should not arise. The mattress should be twenty centimeters more than the growth of a "sleeping" person. The width of the double should start from one hundred eighty centimeters, and the width of the single from 160 cm.

For newborns

A newborn child needs a thin, rigid, environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic, orthopedic, anti-decubitus and ventilated mattress that protects the little person from future health problems - there will be no scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other “ailments”. It is important that the sleep in a newborn baby is calm and safe.

Mattress for newborns

Selection of a mattress for health reasons

A mattress made of natural material is environmentally friendly and durable, but most of them are contraindicated for people suffering from allergies. If you are “overwhelmed” by this ailment, follow the advice and take a mattress made of synthetic material.

If you have serious problems with the spine (osteochondrosis or scoliosis), still choose soft models. They will support the lower back.

If you have problems in the thoracic spine - you need a mattress with medium stiffness.

If you want to strengthen your spine and correct your posture, as well as if you suffer from osteochondrosis, it is better to take the hardest mattress.

Baby mattress device

About the manufacturer

You can buy, as well as "foreign", and domestic mattress. If you need a cheaper option, opt for Russian mattresses - they are much cheaper than foreign manufacturers, and the quality of our mattresses is up to par.

In any case, imported ones will be distinguished by innovations (after all, scientists working on all kinds of know-how have worked on them for many years).

Which one to take - with or without springs?

Many people have a question, what kind of mattress to take, with or without springs, and if with springs, how to choose a spring mattress?

The main advantage of a spring mattress is its low price and good orthopedic qualities. All spring models differ in different qualities: shape, type of weaving, number of turns, and, in fact, the location of the springs. All these qualities affect the comfort of the mattress as a whole.

Today, mattresses with springs of five turns and continuous weaving are in good demand. Such mattresses can withstand heavy loads for a long time. In the manufacture of such mattresses, springs with a large diameter are used, which significantly reduces orthopedic qualities.

But for many, they seem preferable due to the relatively low cost.

Follow the tips from this article to choose a truly high-quality and “cool” mattress!

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