How to choose a pillow for sleep: the best materials and shapes

Almost a third of his life a person sleeps. Without a normal sleep, we can neither work, nor study, nor enjoy life. An important factor for a healthy sleep is the choice of a suitable pillow - it depends on the position of the head during sleep how strong, healthy it will be and whether it will benefit the body. Therefore, in the article we will consider the question - how to choose a pillow for sleeping.

Low abdominal sleep pillow

Pillow value

For a comfortable and healthy rest for an adult and a child, it is necessary that the posture be comfortable, that the body rests evenly and erect, nothing interferes, no sting or pressure. It is necessary to choose a good pillow in order to ensure that the head and neck are in an even position with respect to the body - thus, the blood circulation in the cervical region will go during sleep in its usual way, that is, normally. An improperly selected pillow can cause snoring, insomnia, and back pain. And for pregnant women, with osteochondrosis, for a small child and a newborn, the right choice of pillow is especially important.

Do I need a new pillow

There are simple criteria that let you know if your current pillow is right for you.

If during sleep you have to put your hand under your cheek or head to make it more comfortable, then the size of your pillow is too small, or it is low. It is necessary to raise the head of the bed to the required height, and it is better to purchase another, more voluminous pillow.

If in the morning you feel pain in the back or in the cervical region, most likely, the pillow does not provide a normal, even position of the spine and neck. Try massage options - they are suitable for pregnant women, and with osteochondrosis.

If there is a feeling of discomfort, stiffness or inconvenience, you need to find out if this is due to the improper height or stiffness of the pillow. Perhaps it's time to pay attention to massage models from bamboo. Similar options are also well suited for pregnant women, and with cervical osteochondrosis.

For back pain, an anatomical pillow can help - it is suitable for everyone - even children from an early age. By the way, in the nursery for the child you can buy massage options for pillows or from bamboo - it is better not to buy downy ones, as it is too soft.

Pregnant Pillow

Criterias of choice

The ideal solution when the height of the pillow is equal to the width of the shoulders - this size will provide the most comfortable option. Comfortable sensations in the cervical spine are an important condition for the health of the body, not only with osteochondrosis.

If you often sleep on your side, you should prefer a stiffer filler, and if you like to sleep on your stomach - soft. For those who prefer to sleep on their backs, it is better to choose a pillow of medium hardness, for example - bamboo.

The more you sleep on a softer mattress, the lower the height of the pillow and its rigid filling is necessary.

The form


These are ordinary rectangular or square patterns. Many firms produce such options: they are for pregnant women and for the child, you can choose models for the newborn and for osteochondrosis as well.

Classic pillow


This model has a small size, a soft cushion under the neck and a recess for the head. Of course, massage options are preferable, as they follow the shape of the body and provide the most comfortable head position. Specialized firms produce them from bamboo or latex; they are suitable even for children from an early age.

An orthopedic version of bamboo is especially recommended for those people who suffer from diseases of the spine, including its curvature and osteochondrosis.

Orthopedic pillow

Special and massage

These are models that are designed for a comfortable rest for pregnant women, for infants, people with serious diseases of the spine, with disorders in the cervical region, etc. The fabric of such models is also made of a special material - hygroscopic and hypoallergenic.

Massage pillow

How to choose a pillow

From the modern variety you can get confused - manufacturers and companies offer so many different options that without the appropriate information it becomes difficult to choose this accessory necessary for a full sleep.

If you hesitate between natural and artificial filler, then it will be useful to find out that both fillers have their own advantages. And if you think that natural, without a doubt, is better, healthier and more durable, then this is not so. Fillers made of synthetic material are very good for allergy sufferers and children, pregnant women, they are suitable even for a newborn, since their composition is neutral. But if you prefer a cozy softness and warmth of natural materials, then choose a natural filler.


  • Fluff
  • Pen
  • Buckwheat
  • Wool
  • Bamboo
  • Vata
  • Silk
  • Latex

All these fillers have their undeniable advantages. How to choose a pillow for sleeping, so that it suits you, decide on the basis of your own preferences and necessity.

Baby pillow

Natural fillers

These fillers, which despite their softness, warmth and natural origin, are not suitable for people with allergies. For a child, pregnant women and with osteochondrosis, these models are also not always suitable. In addition, these models require more thorough care, and they are quite expensive. Consider their features.

Fluff and feather

This is a traditional filler. Even our great-grandmothers, many years ago, without fail acquired a few magnificent pillows stuffed with a goose feather and swan feather as a dowry. In the children's room, such models are not very suitable, as they cause allergies: it is better to use artificial fillers for the child or buy a bamboo model.

A pillow with such a “filling” perfectly retains its shape. It is enough to beat it after sleep - and here it is again magnificent and voluminous, and the fabric is smoothed. Advice:

  • The size of the chosen model depends on the physique of the one who will sleep on it, and if you choose for the child, then on how old he is.
  • Fully downy options are not recommended, as they are too hot and poorly kept in shape. They cannot provide sufficient support for the neck and spinal column. Not suitable for newborns and with osteochondrosis.


If the pillow is stuffed with natural down or feather, there is a high probability that a tick will get into them. It is for this reason that in ancient times it was decided to “fry” pillows every summer for several days under the scorching sun. Of course, the modern bamboo model in this way will not have to be processed.

The pillow requires regular replacement - natural material has a limited period of use. Every 5 years, on average, it is necessary to replace down-feather products with new ones. By choosing a bamboo model, you will save yourself from such problems.

Maternity Pillow


  • This filler provides excellent body cooling in the cool season, and in summer, on the contrary, gives coolness. Great for pregnant women and with osteochondrosis.This natural warm material is able to positively affect the health of adults and children.
  • Pillows with this filler are quite stiff. The size of the product is selected in such a way as to ensure, first of all, comfort in the cervical spine.
  • If you feel pain in muscles or joints, then a woolen pillow can have a therapeutic effect, help to cope with these ailments. Such a pillow is especially good for the elderly and for pregnant women.
  • A significant minus - the wool quickly rolls, so the shelf life of the pillow will be short-lived. And, in addition, they are categorically contraindicated for allergy sufferers. In the latter case, it is better to choose modern artificial hypoallergenic models or a bamboo pillow.


  • The cheapest pillows are with this filler.
  • Cotton pads are hypoallergenic, but roll too quickly. The cotton filling gets stuck in hard lumps, and the pillow becomes uncomfortable and uncomfortable - soreness and other problems in the cervical spine may occur.
  • This pillow cannot be wetted, otherwise the cotton wool will fall off much faster and the size of the pillow will decrease significantly.


Many people think that latex is an artificial substance. However, nothing of the kind, latex is a natural material obtained from a specially processed hevea juice - a tropical tree. Pillows from it are hypoallergenic, they are useful for osteochondrosis, and are suitable for pregnant women. This juice is foamed in a special way, resulting in a flexible soft material, resilient and durable. Massage pillows from it are suitable for a child of any age.

A significant minus of latex pillows is a rather expensive cost. But thanks to the latex filler, the pillow perfectly repeats the shape of the neck and head; its size is individually adjusted to each owner.

The durability of these pillows is amazing: without any complaints and deformation, this product will last you as long as 20 years.

Rice husks, various aromatic herbs, and even small hop cones are also often used as a filler. Sleeping on such a pillow will turn out to be truly healing. Their fabric is usually soft and natural.

Artificial Fillers - These are usually synthetic winterizer and holofiber - the materials that “stuff” the fabric of winter clothes: jackets and down jackets. Together with a long service life and inexpensive cost, pillows made of synthetic winterizer and holofiber are hypoallergenic and provide a comfortable, healthy sleep.

Full body pillow

How to choose an orthopedic pillow for sleeping

If you want to purchase an orthopedic option with artificial filling, especially for a child, it is best to consult a pediatrician or orthopedist about this beforehand. It is necessary to test several options, choosing in the end the size, filling and fabric that are comfortable and pleasant for you. Most stores with orthopedic goods are usually sympathetic to this and do not mind testing their products.

Make sure when buying that the pillow is well-sewn - feathers do not climb out of it, the seams are even, and the stitches are small. It is desirable that the stitches are double - in this case it is guaranteed that the pillow will be of high quality, durable and will last for many years. Hypoallergenic massage pillows in this regard can not be checked - as a rule, they are made of quality latex or bamboo. In the latter case, only the size of the product and the reputation of the manufacturer are important.

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