Home cooler: clean drinking water every day

Many factors influence human health; one of the most important is water quality. At the beginning of the twentieth century, father died at Halsey Taylor, as it turned out, he drank contaminated water and fell ill with typhus, which led to his death. The loss of a loved one pushed Halsey Taylor to create a prototype of a modern cooler - a drinking fountain. Since then, coolers can be found in offices and homes, they are becoming more functional and almost indispensable for anyone who monitors health.

Children's water cooler

Water cooler at home

What is a cooler?

A cooler is an apparatus designed to provide drinking water for offices, kindergartens, schools and homes. In some cases, it has additional functions: cooling, heating, carbonation and disinfection of water. Thanks to the cooler, water becomes available at any time of the day, and has a temperature that is comfortable for drinking. Water is packaged in standard bottles of 12, 22 or 19 liters, and in the case of an adapter - 5 liters.

Electric cooler for home

Cooler for cold water in the interior of the house

The cooler is most often a plastic case with a funnel for installing a tank of water. The housing can have 1 or 2 taps, as well as indicator lights to indicate heating or cooling of the water, and a switch.

Home cooler with fridge

Chromed water cooler

The cooler works from a regular power outlet (220V), and even though the device remains on constantly, it consumes little electricity. This is due to the cooler being equipped with temperature sensors, due to which cooling and heating are not carried out continuously, but from time to time, when there is a need for it.

Water cooler in the interior

Compressor Water Cooler

Principle of operation

The cooler works according to this principle: a certain amount of water from a bottle enters special tanks in order to heat up or cool down. With a decrease in the amount of water, a new portion enters the tanks and is brought to the required temperature.

Red cooler for home

Kitchen water cooler

To what values ​​the water is heated or cooled depends on the type of apparatus. The maximum heating temperature is usually 92-98 degrees.

Kitchen water cooler

Ice Cooler

Cooler benefits

The device has many advantages that make it indispensable when used at home:

  • Benefit. Using a cooler allows you to save all the trace elements useful to the human body in drinking water. That is, water remains “alive” and saturates a person with a healthy fluid.
  • Convenience. The device is extremely easy to install, and how to use it even a baby can easily understand, because special skills and knowledge are not required. In addition, the cooler allows you to maintain optimal water temperature, which is especially important for families with small children. There are models equipped with a special faucet for hot water.
  • Profitability. It is much more profitable if you consider the issue from the point of view of economical energy consumption, to buy a cooler for your home than an electric kettle. Water will heat equally well, but energy consumption will decrease significantly.

Modern coolers are presented in the widest assortment; they come in different types and differ in design. There are large, smaller and very small, floor or tabletop, that is, everyone can choose the device to their taste and budget.

Workshop water cooler

Mobile water cooler

How to choose a cooler for home?

In order to save space, it is wiser to choose a water cooler for a desktop type home.Such a device has small dimensions, but is characterized by increased functionality. If the cooler is intended for a large family, and the kitchen is spacious, then the floor model is suitable.

For use at home, an ordinary desktop device with a basic standard set of functions is quite enough. The options that coolers are additionally equipped with are most often in demand in office environments.

Although it all depends on personal preferences and the thickness of the wallet of the future owner.

According to the principle of operation, all coolers are divided into two categories, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Floor cooler for home

Small water cooler

Compressor models

Compressor units are more expensive than electronic models. For this reason, for home use it is bought much less frequently. Another drawback is the noise level produced by the cooler during operation: it is quite high and can cause discomfort, therefore, most likely, the device will have to be turned off at night, which also does not add comfort to the operation process.

Among the advantages, high performance, reliability, impressive dimensions and many additional functions stand out. It is because of the merits of such devices are purchased in office premises.

Water cooler with ozonation

Home cooler with stand

Electronic devices

Electronic coolers cool water according to the Peltier principle. Such devices are characterized by low productivity: approximately 1 liter of water per hour (5-6 glasses). Low performance makes the electronic cooler unsuitable for use in crowded office rooms, educational institutions or schools, but for the home this model can be very convenient.

Water through an electronic cooler can be cooled to 12-15 degrees, which may not be enough for hot summer days. For this reason, it is not advisable to install such a cooler in rooms with high air temperature, since the water will cool for a long time.

Water cooler in the cabinet

There is a fan in the cooler, which can become clogged if you put the device in a dusty or poorly ventilated room. Then the cooling module will generally stop working.

All of the above characteristics, combined with low cost, make the cooler with electronic cooling system an ideal device for home use. A house or apartment - the most suitable conditions for the operation of an electronic cooler: small water requirements of several people.

Water cooler in the kitchen-dining room

Additional cooler options

Cooling, heating and dosing are the main options for coolers. Advanced functionality involves equipping the device:

  • Refrigerators to keep cream fresh for coffee, milk, yogurt, sweets or chocolate. Refrigerators are built into compressor models only and require a very careful attitude. For example, when lying they cannot be transported. As a rule, a refrigerator has a small volume: 15–20 liters, and using it as a backup refrigerator is a wise decision.
  • Water carbonation. The cooler is equipped with a special gas cylinder. Especially this option delights children: a single click is enough to turn ordinary sugar water into a deliciously chilled soda. One gas cylinder is enough on average. To make 1 thousand glasses of soda. Models with the function of carbonation of water are most often outdoor, as additional space is needed to place equipment.
  • Built-in lockers. Coolers with cupboards for storing dishes and other household utensils are very popular, as they provide additional comfort during operation.
  • Ice maker. The design of the cooler requires a special compartment in which ice is prepared. The option will appeal to people who prefer chilled drinks.
  • OzonationA similar option allows you to disinfect water, while the bactericidal effect lasts up to two, or even three weeks.

A water cooler at home is a very useful acquisition in everyday life. In fact, it can completely replace an electric kettle, while the energy consumption for heating water will significantly decrease. Models with ozonation, the function of making ice or with a refrigerator will make life even more comfortable.

Built-in water cooler

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